Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Blessings in a dumpster

On the way to church one Sunday morning, we took the back road. On this particular road is a greenhouse business - dozens of huge greenhouses. There were two very large dumpsters in front, and as we passed I noticed that they were full of green. I mentioned it to Jeff and he said we would take a look on the way home. On the way home we did look and they were filled to the brim with pansies. They weren't dead or dieing either. They must have just grown more than they could sell. So we went dumpster diving, of course! Filled the back of the pickup with dozens of flats of pansies. Lots of yellow but also purple, orange, and red. The next week I made a little yellow-brick road. In our flower/herb garden area, I made a brick path and planted the yellow pansies along the edge - hence the yellow (pansy) brick road!

For those of you that don't know we also got a dog. Her name is Gracious! Getting a dog felt like a more permanent step in life than buying a house did. She is 16months and gracious with the children - that is the reason for her name!

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